Job interviews: The Most Common Questions and The Most Appropriate Answers

The purpose of the job interview is to convince the interviewer that one feels motivated and trained for the job offered. Therefore, it is advisable to previously inform about the activity of the company and its latest actions. In this way, the answers to the most common questions that can be asked in a job interview can be prepared well in advance.

Along the same it must show motivation to work and to play the position to which it is aspired; Listening carefully to each question and waiting a few seconds before responding denote self-confidence, and it is essential to establish a good relationship with the interlocutor. Bringing prepared some questions about the position, the company and the selection process can be of great help. However, it is not advisable to ask questions about holidays, salary, extra benefits, etc., and only if the interviewer suggests it will be given an opinion on that.

The Most Common Questions and The Most Appropriate Answers

As a general rule, the most frequently asked questions focus on personal aspects, training and professional experience. These are the most frequently encountered in labor interviews:
  • What do you think is your best quality? The candidate should highlight their strengths. Apart from being sincere, it is advisable to focus on the qualities that you think the interviewer values ​​the most, as you may have perceived in your talk. Although it depends on the type of company and the activity carried out, the most valued qualities are responsibility, seriousness at work, belief that the client is always the most important, the easiness to work in team, motivation or disposition to work hard. First of all you have to flee petulance, but show the degree of self-esteem fair.
  • And its biggest flaw? One should not pretend to have none, but it is not convenient to expose the most important ones. The most diplomatic solution is to refer to some irrelevant or exaggerate some strong point. For example, mention as a defect being, perhaps, "too much perfectionist". This allows us to glimpse a willingness to turn over the work offered.
  • How did you choose your studies and why? There are as many answers to this question as studies. However, try to demonstrate a lot of consistency in the exhibition. The most appropriate response is that of the "vocation": these studies have been carried out because they would lead to the type of work (which is precisely for the one chosen in the interview) for which one feels more qualified, and has always wanted do.
  • How did you fund your studies? This question aims to assess the candidate's autonomy and maturity. It is necessary to show that summer practices or work have been carried out in order to finance them.
  • Why did you send your request to our company? In order to respond to this, investigations that have been made about the company will be very useful. The interlocutor will like to have in front of someone who knows the company and who has not written at random. Thus, in the conversation it is necessary to slide some concrete data about customers for whom they work, expansion plans or their main products.
  • What has caught the attention of the ad to which you have responded? It
    is important to be precise in the response and avoid saying phrases such as "I do not remember the ad text very well" or "I'm not sure why the ad was not too clear."
    It should not be forgotten that the interlocutor is the one who has directed that advertisement.
  • What do you know about our company? You do not have to throw a speech about it. It
    proves to be interested in her saying: "I have gotten her annual report(if it exists), I asked her to send me her commercial brochure and to know her balances I searched on the Internet ...".
    It is advisable not to go too deeply into the statements as this would lead to more specific questions.What expectations do you have regarding your next job? It is necessary to reaffirm the technical competencies, the qualities and motivations, so that they match the profile of the proposed  employment.
  • Why would you like to work in our company? It is necessary to try to focus the answer on healthy and clear motivations: the nature of the position, the members of the company that are known, the perspectives of the company, the quality of the products, the management ... It is important to avoid giving these answers: "Because his company is number one, because he has a good reputation, or because his facilities are very nice", because they are simplistic answers that say very little of the true aspirations of the candidate.What do you think you can contribute to our company? If this question is formulated at the beginning of the interview, it should be noted that "it is difficult to answer because the job is not yet fully known". If they do this at the end, they will know more about the position, so it is important to emphasize adaptive capacities and propose a concrete strategy, such as: "I will start by observing and listening, then,
    according to my position, I will decide the
    Actions to take ". 
  • Why do you want to leave your current position? Here the interlocutor tries to know if it is the candidate who wishes to leave the company or if the company has decided to get rid of it. It is necessary to be brief and precise in the answer, for example saying: "I would like to evolve to assume additional responsibilities, something that unfortunately I can not do in my present position".
  • What is the most difficult situation you have faced in your profession? With this question it is tried to verify the ability to solve problems and the degree of decision of the aspirant in order to withstand and overcome moments of pressure. It is important to illustrate the purposes by describing a difficult situation for which you have not been responsible.
  • Do you always achieve your goals? Although it is tempting to say yes, it is more appropriate to say that in business, success depends on many factors, especially external ones, and it is difficult to always achieve the goals set. In this way, we avoid giving an image of "naive triumphalist", nothing advisable in the labor market.
  • In your opinion, how much time would it take to make a real contribution to our company? In order to answer this question, two possibilities must be taken into account. The first is that if the interlocutor has already talked about the position and the company, then you have the opportunity to sell the strengths and advantages that can be offered. Care must be taken not to give accurate data and say that you are sure that you can make a rapid contribution, but the first thing to do is to listen and understand the company and its employees. If the position or company has not yet been discussed, the most appropriate answer is: "I would like to take this opportunity to clarify the responsibilities of the post, because without them it will be difficult for me to answer with exactness."
  • Have you ever had to make an unpopular decision? This issue is important because it allows the interlocutor to know more precisely the level of responsibility and activity. The higher the level of responsibility of the candidate, the more likely it is that he or she has had to make decisions of this type. To do this, we have to explain why the decision was unpopular and what was done to try to soften its impact. In addition, it must be demonstrated that it is known to make unpopular decisions - but good for the interest of the company - without ceasing to be human.
  • Do you like to work alone or as a team? If it is answered without sufficient knowledge of the requested employment, it is lost. It can be said: "I adapt to all circumstances. I am able both to isolate myself to reflect, and to open myself to work as a team."
  • What would you do if you disagreed with a superior? This is the same as saying: how do you react to a tension or a conflict? This can be answered: "During a conversation or a meeting, if my boss asks me for my opinion, I will give it to him, even if I do not agree with him. If, on the contrary, he does not ask for my opinion, I will express it later. I will expose my fears. " In this way, it proves to be able to assume the differences, but always with tact.
  • If you asked for a salary increase, how would you justify it? It is important to avoid this answer: "because I deserve it". What has to be demonstrated above all is the added value, the contribution that is contributed to the company.
  • What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time? The interviewer wants to know the candidate a little better. It is advisable, once again, to highlight the qualities that are developed in the hobbies and that can be useful to exercise the required position. And in the case that you do not have any remarkable pastime, it should be explained that you are fully dedicated to work and family. Do not forget that the essential thing is to show that you have a balanced life.
  • Why has it taken so long in unemployment? To this you can answer: "you know as well as I do that the employment situation is nothing buoyant because of the economic crisis", or "I think it is detrimental to accept any employment." I think I can meet your needs. For which I am before you. " Do you have other alternatives? Have you done any other interviews? The most appropriate is to say yes, but without giving too much information about the companies, and being very precise about the function. It is normal not to mention the name of the companies. It must be concluded by stating that the other opportunities are less interesting than the one being offered in the interview, provided the answer is argued.
  • Why has it changed so many times in five years? Or put another way, are you unstable? We must respond by demonstrating the consistency of progress, and emphasizing the wage increases that have been achieved with each change of company. Finally, it must be said that these changes have contributed positively to the knowledge of the profession.
  • You have an appointment with your doctor at 12:00 o'clock. It has taken three weeks to get it. At the last minute an urgent professional meeting arises. That makes? This is an interview technique called "situational": the interviewer raises a problem and analyzes the candidate's response. In this particular case, it is advisable to try to put yourself in the director's place. If I were the director and was forced to plan an urgent meeting, what would be my reaction if one of my collaborators told me that he has a visit with the doctor? It is a matter of nuances: if the visit is due to a serious illness the answer is clear.
  • How do you evaluate me as an interviewer? It's a dangerous question. It is not always good to tell the truth: if you think that the interlocutor is incompetent, we should not say it. You can say, "It's one of the most difficult interviews I've ever done, that being said, I fully understand the meaning of your questions and what you want to know about me.


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