10 Common Job Interview Questions

Even if you have an impressive resume, it will not do you any good if at the time of the interview you do not know how to properly answer the questions asked by the coach. The phrase, "Practice makes perfect" is especially true when it comes to job interviews. It is best to prepare them, and the best way to do this is to think and rehearse (but not memorize) the answers to the questions they are likely to ask.

An interview must be prepared thoroughly. It is likely that to break the ice I asked you about your training, your latest work and the functions you performed, but the time will come when a question can leave you blank and do not know what to answer. For this to happen, it is important to know the questions most frequently used by the coaches, and although it is impossible to list all the questions that can be asked during an interview, there are a number of questions that are commonly used.

Here are some of the questions that Glass Door's job portal has identified as those most frequently used by human resources managers after numerous interviews.

Most common questions in job interviews

Most common questions in job interviews

1. What are your strengths? 

This is the question you are most likely to ask in an interview. You can not improvise. It is important that before going to the appointment, reflect and take your time to identify your strengths and how you are going to expose them. Do not be modest, but do not overdo yourself either. 


2. What are your weaknesses? 

During job interviews it is usual for the interviewer to ask about the candidate's weaknesses. It does this to check the capacity for reaction, sincerity and self-criticism. But mainly the purpose of this type of questions is to discover what opinion the candidate has of himself and his abilities.

Nobody likes to admit that he has weaknesses, and still less in front of a possible future boss. But denying them, in this case, is not the right choice. A good way to respond is to talk about those in which we work to overcome, so we can say that measures have been taken to improve them.

The key, according to experts, is to be able to turn a flaw into a possible virtue for the company. Demonstrating capacity for criticism and self-knowledge is always positive. 


3. Why do you want to work in this company? 

When they ask you, why you are interested in this work or why you want to work in this company, what they want to know is if you've spent time researching what they do there and what your work will consist of. If you are convincing and talk about your new projects, your products or how you agree with your business philosophy, you will imply that you have presented to the job offer because it really interests you and that you take the opportunity that you are giving. 


4. Why do you want to quit your current job? 

This is a particularly delicate question. In a job interview, the best option is always to stay positive. Faced with the question Why do you want to leave your current job? It will be much more favorable to speak of those achievements you wish to achieve, but which are not possible in your current position or place of work. And is that, while it is true that we are looking to change our current job, admitting that we have problems in it is not a wise choice.

In no case start to criticize your old company or colleagues. The interviewer will think you are not a trustworthy person. Say something like "I want to take on more responsibilities", "look for more security", or "gain more experience" if you are young


5. Where do you see yourself in five years? 

Of all the questions that come up in an interview, this could be one of the most complicated to answer. An overly pretentious response would make you look like a very ambitious employee who either will not remain long in the company or try to climb high speed positions; On the other hand, if you are too humble to give this response, you will show lack of initiative.

In general terms it could be said that a midpoint between both ends is appropriate, but everything will depend on the position and the company that interests us. 


6. Why have you been away for so long? 

Do not be intimidated by this question. Being unemployed for a while is not so unusual. With the current crisis, there are many people who have not worked for months, in most cases because they have not found anything, but it is true that there are some cases where they have not bothered to look for work. The coach wants to know if you are a dynamic person who has simply had bad luck or has not found what he was looking for or if there is something that fails in you.

It is possible to transform what in principle could be a weakness in an advantage, showing that in that period of time your skills have been increased: talk about the training you have done, volunteer work, collaborations.

This question is usually accompanied by a second part: "Why did you end your previous contractual relationship?" Be honest and explain the reasons why you stopped working in your previous company, as long as they do not cause a loss in getting that job. 


7. Why should we hire you? 

Before this type of questions one does not have to be too modest nor especially narcissistic. Apply the formula to demonstrate that your knowledge, experience and skills fit the professional profile that is needed. Show trust and do not be afraid to say that, honestly you think you're the best to do that job. Without exaggerating, but focusing on the characteristics that differentiate you from others and make a difference.

It's time to mention the specific skills you can bring to the position based on your experience and training. Do not forget in explanations about your knowledge, leadership ability and achievements in your professional past that are of interest for the position to which you choose. 


8. What accomplishment do you feel most proud of? 

Simple and concise, so discover several of your strengths: what you are a specialist; Your degree of humility or arrogance; If you have reaped labor successes - and in such a case, if they are not reduced to 'housework'; The importance you give to teamwork; Your ability to develop professional challenges ... It is time to sell yourself and you must know by heart the script of your own ad. 


9. Tell me about a professional mistake you have made. 

The purpose of this question is to know if you are able to recognize the situations where you could improve and how you would do it. Know if you have learned from mistakes. Check that you are responsible and commit to the work done.

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone has the same ability to solve them. This question, besides common, is not a trap. They pretend to discover how resolute you are, how you deal with problems, if you know how to delegate or take responsibility. They are not interested in knowing what kind of mistakes you make, but how you solve them or what you have learned in committing them. Of course, you do not want to tell the one who was fateful for the company and ended up in a fire because "you screwed up." 


10. What are your salary expectations? 

The economic question is one of the most awaited questions, and of the most thorny of all that arise during the selection process. The best way to approach it is to say that a salary is expected according to our contribution and responsibilities. For this, it is best to find out about the average salary of your job. In addition, not to show that we are only interested in money, explains that you are more interested in the opportunities offered by the work than in a high reward.


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