Strengths and Weaknesses in Job Interviews

Two common job interview questions that you will often have to answer are in relation to your strengths and weaknesses. Many entrepreneurs will analyze the responses provided by the candidate to determine how the strengths and weaknesses will benefit the company or candidate in the particular job. When answering the questions, talk about acceptable strengths and weaknesses that will not prevent you from completing the work.

Strengths and Weaknesses in Job Interviews

Strengths and Weaknesses in Job Interviews

Self-motivation and determination
Employees can see their self-motivation and determination as strengths. Employers can also see as acceptable assets as some workers are often solely responsible for carrying out projects on time and finding a new job if they are not present immediately. Determination and self-motivation are also key characteristics of employees who often grow up in a company and achieve promotions, enhancements and internal recognition.

Self-confident and intelligent
Another set of strong points are acceptable employee intelligence and self-confidence. If you are placed in a situation where you have to make an executive decision, the employer wants to know that you are going to make the decision on the knowledge base of the company. Showing self-confidence in the decisions you make and basing decisions on the intelligence and knowledge of the industry is a resistance most employers want to see.

Attitude to debate
You can be passionate about your work and defend it in situations where you are not respecting your opinion. Having a debating attitude is often seen as a weakness by some employers, since employees who debate often have trouble listening to the other side of an argument or accepting a decision once it has been made. However, a debating attitude is a weakness that can be used for something positive in a job. It can be beneficial in project planning situations, where all sides of an argument must be explored.

Lack of work skills
Any job has a required list of skills that the employer prefers you to have. However, you may not have all the skills to do the job effectively. Although you understand that not having these skills required is a weakness, you can make it an acceptable weakness by explaining that you are interested in learning the skills needed to do the job in the most effective way. The employer can see this eagerness as a positive thing, since you are willing to learn new skills for your job.


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