Types of Job Interviews

After sending a resume to a company, if it is considered responding to this with a call for a job interview, usually the nerves are not waiting, followed by the difficult question to answer by many: What can you expect from An interview with a prospective employer?

When looking for a job offer in the United States, initial contacts are vital to transmit the personal image you want to project, and from these contacts, the job interview is the key point for the selection and hiring of a person.

This step is based on a dialogue with predetermined parameters, which seeks to obtain reciprocal information between the interviewer and the interviewee, and for this they count both spoken and gestual language, so that vocabulary, expressions, body posture, gestures , Gestures and personal appearance, are part of the elements to be evaluated.

Types of Job Interviews

Types of Job Interviews

Depending on the characteristics and needs of the company, its location and the vacancy that needs to be filled, various interview schemes can be adopted, and it is very useful to know them and prepare them in order to maximize the advantages and reduce the disadvantages that each Of these schemes entails.

The most common interviews are:

1. Formal interview (direct, structured or standard) 

It is one that is based on a previously defined model of questions and topics, intended to cover all possible aspects of interest to the interviewer, who formulates the approaches directly, and expects equally direct and unambiguous answers. Usually curriculum is done in hand.

2. Informal or open interview 

It is a dialogue that maintains the interviewee and the interviewer in a colloquial and apparently relaxed manner. It is oriented to obtain subjective information of the candidate: personal opinions, emotional reactions, degree of self-confidence and others. Sometimes the topic of conversation seems to have no relation to the position, but you have to be very attentive and not relax, because the interviewer is a professional who is evaluating each of the words and gestures of his interlocutor. It is advisable to avoid doubts or contradictions when responding.

3. Mixed Interview 

It combines the two techniques above and is often applied, since it includes the preset scheme but also valid comments and particular points of view. What is advisable in this type of interview is to respond in a concise manner, with brief but well sustained arguments.

4. Multiple Interview 

The candidate undergoes several interviews with different people. It is common when it comes to specialized positions, where technical skills are very important, and require the evaluation of experts. In each encounter different aspects of the profile will be analyzed.

5. Group Interview 

They obey the need of the company, to detect the potential of the interviewees. Usually a dynamic is performed through which the driver raises a topic to be discussed and worked by teams. In this way, leaders, passive or initiative-minded employees, those with ease in teamwork and those who prefer to act alone, and other important aspects in the workplace, tend to manifest themselves. This technique almost always requires the intervention of two or more drivers and is frequently used in collective calls such as job fairs or interviews for jobs for students

6. Free or open interview 

It is the most demanding in terms of personal confidence and security. The interviewer invites the candidate to express himself with absolute freedom about himself and the reasons he has to run for office, and he only listens, intervening occasionally to point out some aspect or to inquire more about a specific topic, but the weight of the Conversation is carried out by the interviewee. As an advantage, it allows the person to clearly state their strengths and expectations, but because there are no pre-established parameters, there is a risk of not focusing on the key points.

7. Practical Interview 

It is aimed at directly assessing the skills and abilities of a candidate for a particular job vacancy. Often used in areas such as hotel, maintenance, construction or manual work and is that the recruiter and the candidate interact in the area of ​​work, carrying out some work related to the post, while exchanging information.

8. Interview through the media 

These interviews are carried out at a distance, using means such as telephones or the internet. They are currently an effective and practical way to hire staff anywhere in the world, and is ideal for organizations operating in different countries.

As far as telephone interviews are concerned, they are almost always prior steps before setting a personal meeting and should not be underestimated, for through this medium the interviewer obtains valuable information. Some questions are frequently asked about the information contained in the curriculum, the availability of working hours or special conditions, age and location of the place of residence, as these aspects often determine whether or not the person is hired.

Final Tips for a Job Interview

  • If the address of the interview site is not known, it is advisable to find out and go to the area first, to determine the appropriate route and the time it takes to reach the site
  • If you do not own a vehicle, it is essential to go by taxi, to maintain the best appearance possible and arrive calm and without signs of distress or stress
  • Punctuality is essential and includes not arriving too early
  • Write down the name and position of the interviewer.
Additional tips for achieving desired employment

It would be advisable for anyone who is called to an interview to make sure they are clear about their goals: You should think about them, try to put them into words, be clear, concrete and precise.
  • Ask at the end of the interview: It is not the time to ask questions about the salary but about the functions within the company of the position to which it is aspired, also about the contracting deadline, opportunities to ascend, etc.
  • Be prepared to undergo physical checks, drug testing and even an evaluation of your judicial past; Therefore it is important to tell the truth.
  • Send a thank-you note saying perhaps that it would be great to be hired by the company, highlighting to others what it would gain by proceeding with the hiring of the applicant. It can be sent by email or even traditional mail, as the latter would highlight more.
Usually the human resources representative who will do the interview will not tell the candidate which of these two types will be the one that will perform, since both tend to be mixed for a better evaluation of the candidate in question. That is why the best thing to do is to be prepared for what could arise, always having in mind that the work to which it is presented can be achieved.


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