What Are the Types of Questions Asked in a Job Interview?

Interviewing is a vital part of the selection process. Some interviews are followed by a written test and others are done first evaluations. The job interview always generates stress, anxiety and fear, not only by the interviewee but also by the interviewer, especially if he or she is going to interview for the first time.

On the other hand, preparation is also necessary for both, in the case the interviewer must decide what questions to ask in order to make a correct selection. There are general set of questions that are usually asked in most interviews. These questions can be categorized into seven types, which include open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, hypothetical questions, trick questions, multi-level questions, and behavioral questions.

Types of Questions in a Job Interview

Below are the main types of questions that could be presented at a job interview. If you want to know what specific questions you can submit you can enter Frequently Asked Questions in a Job Interview. 


Open questions 

It is usually asked at the beginning of the interview as "tell us about your?" The interviewee can talk as much as he / she wants to describe himself / herself professionally. In order to answer such questions, the particular selection criteria for that position and the personality of the individual must be taken into account.

Closed questions 

These are questions that only allows the person interviewed to respond with a yes or no. These questions are asked in order to gather technical information or a specific fact. The interviewer should ensure that the question has been fully understood otherwise tell the interviewee that he should not hesitate to seek clarification on the issue. 


Hypothetical questions 

A situation is created to evaluate the thinking skills of the person interviewed. For example, for a communications professional questions might be like "what would you do if you suddenly received calls from reporters asking about your press release?" These questions require solid knowledge on the subject. This is why, as a preliminary step to an interview and even to develop the profile of a position have interviewed the head / immediate superior of the position and know what are the most relevant events or decisions that must face this position. 


Captious Questions 

They require a logical answer. The interviewer may ask, "Does this job require working under pressure and meeting deadlines? Do you have these skills?" The answer should be more than a yes or a no. Substantiating it proves that it is responding by answering. 


Multi Level Questions 

They are two or more combined questions corresponding to the same topics. These questions can be confusing for the interviewee. In this case, he / she may ask you to repeat the questions. This type of questioning allows to verify if the candidate has not lied or exaggerated part of what he has already stated, can only be elaborated based on what has been observed and heard of the candidate during the interview. 


Behavioral Questions 

They are used to predict the candidate's future behavior based on past experience. You have to answer with examples from past experiences, about how your particular skills were developed in the past and how they may benefit in the future.

There are some questions that should be avoided by asking, for example, personal topics about your age, marital status, family history, weight or height. Although these questions are necessary for some particular jobs, for example in the military or airlines, these questions are usually answered in the data sheet that the candidate must complete when attending the interview.


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