Guide for Newbies When Doing Job Interviews

Once you have filtered the resumes you received to 10 or fewer candidates, it is time to conduct the personal interviews. If you are afraid of this part of the process, do not worry, you are not the only one. Fortunately, there are strategies to get you and the candidate more relaxed and get all the information you need to make a smart decision.

Start by preparing a list of the basic questions you should ask. Although you do not make them literal as if you were a robot, having them present will ensure you cover the basics and also allows you to ask the same questions to all candidates.

The initial moments of the interview are crucial. When you wave your hand at the candidate or candidate you will receive a good impression about your confidence and level of enthusiasm. Among the qualities you should look for are: good communicative skills, a clean appearance and respectful and friendly ways.

Have the interviewee relax by doing a bit of conversation on neutral issues. A good way to break the ice is to explain what the job is and describe the company; Your business, history and future plans.

Then go to the heart of the interview. You should ask about various areas related to experience, skills, educational preparation, and past work. Explore each area with an open question like "Tell me about your last job". Avoid asking questions whose answers are yes or no, or that are obvious. Better ask questions that force the candidate to go into detail.

Guide for Newbies When Doing Job Interviews

Guide for Newbies When Doing Job Interviews

The best questions are the follow-up questions, like "Tell me why that situation happened" or "Why did you do that?" This does not give the candidates automatic answers.

Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself:

1. If you could design the ideal job for you, what would it be?
2. What type of supervisor gets the best of you?
3. How would you describe your current supervisor?
4. How do you structure your time?
5. What are the three things you like most about your current job?
6. What were your greatest accomplishments in that work?
7. What can you do for the company that no one else can?
8. How far do you think you can get in this company?
9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
10. What do you expect to do in five years?
11. What interests you most about this company?
12. Describe three situations in which you have criticized your work.

The answers from the candidates will give you a window on your knowledge, attitude and sense of humor. Look for signs of disagreement with your previous employers. You should also be alert to the areas you seem to refuse to talk to.

Pay attention to non-verbal cues. See if he seems alert and interested, or bored, and whether his clothes are wrinkled or dirty. A person who can not make the effort to arrange for an interview surely does not want to be hired.

Finally, leave time at the end of the interview for the applicant to ask questions and pay attention to what he says. This is the moment in which they show whether or not they did their job of investigating the company and that they are worried about getting the job.

End the interview by letting the candidate know what to expect. How long will it take you to interview? When will he hear from you? You're dealing with the lives of other people, so try to keep the candidates informed.


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