Keys to Overcoming the Job Interview

We all aspire to have a job, but to get to get it previously we must:
  1. Prepare our Curriculum Vitae (CV), adapting it to the job offer, cover letter, studying the ideal professional profile, informing us about the organization
  2. Prepare the job interview, which will be in which we will focus on this article.

The CV is our presentation to a candidacy, unless our fame precedes us (for example, an Oscar-winning actor does not need to send his CV to participate in casting a movie, he will simply shower offers to participate in films); Therefore, our CV will give us the possibility to access the next step before reaching our goal, the job interview.

From CV we can say that it must fulfill a series of basic characteristics (order, cleaning, information, contents ...) but in the end there is no "magic" CV that guarantees us that they will hire us or even us They will call to arrange a job interview.

However, regarding the job interview, we must keep in mind that there will be certain things that we will not be able to say or do, since they will guarantee to be automatically discarded from the selection process.

As for the job interview we are going to distinguish 3 moments in which we should look:

Keys to Overcoming the Job Interview

Before the interview:

Concertation of appointment for the interview:
  • Confirm date, time and place for the interview, as well as a contact phone number so that in case of an eventuality that appears to be able to contact to cancel our appointment and thus to request a new appointment.
  • Find out how to get to the place where the interview is going to take place, and if we do not know it we will try to visit the area (whenever possible, if not currently we can access that information through the maps that are in the network) to know Forms of access, car parks or public transport, in order not to be late, since it is a very negative first impression.
  • Make a list of possible questions with the most appropriate answers, even if they do not ask us exactly the same question we will have anticipated answers that will allow us to respond and thus to face the interview with more tranquility.

Personal image, is really what will give our first impression, so we must be careful with it taking into account the following aspects:
  • Hairstyle and make-up (in case of women) should be appropriate to each person and situation. It is not the same to go to an interview to work in the Circus of the Sun, that for the English Court.
  • Clothing, it should be comfortable and formal clothes, without being too flashy and does not have to be suit unless at the appointment we have been informed of the need to come with suit to the interview.
  • As for jewelery and beads, it is advisable to be the just and necessary, that is, not to go to an interview we must wear the best earrings or watches, we go to a job interview, not a party.
Be informed and documented. It is essential to know all the details about the position that is offered as well as to gather all the possible information about the company.

Day of the interview:

  • Arrive at the indicated time, but not too early, since while we remain in the waiting room we may experience an increase of anticipatory anxiety.
  • Do not take heavy digestible foods or exciting or relaxing drinks, because we may feel bad or uncomfortable during the interview.
  • Always carry a copy of the CV that we present in the candidacy for the job, which we must carry studied and with possible answers prepared on the content of the same (why he decided to study X, what can highlight his experience in the company AND, in what Consists its capacity Z).
  • If we go to a waiting room where there are other people, avoid as far as possible giving information that may be harmful to us (we can not know if the interviewer or an accomplice worker).

At the interview:

Once we go to the interview, the first thing to keep in mind not to cause distractions or interruptions is to turn off the mobile (not silent, but turned off). As for the actual development of the interview, this consists of an exchange of information that is done through language. It is at this point that we must pay special attention to both verbal and non-verbal language.

Verbal Language, we must:
  • Use a clear tone, without being too high or too low, using the appropriate pronunciation.
  • Use a correct vocabulary, for which it will be appropriate to use the technical vocabulary related to the job.
  • Avoid answers with monosyllables (yes, no), or too long answers.
  • Think about what we are going to say, without using sharp expressions.
  • Express interest in the job.
  • Always tell the truth to the questions they ask us, but without saying information that can harm us, or speak evil of any previous work, boss or partner.

Nonverbal Language, we must:
  • Maintain a correct posture in the seat, without being rigid or making sudden movements.
  • Keeping hands without fiddling with objects that may be on the table, rings or watches, otherwise we can distract the attention of the person performing the interview and ourselves.
  • Look into the eyes of the interviewer, not an inquisitive look.
  • Take care of facial expressions that can denote anger, frustration or any other negative expression, for it is best to try to maintain a smile.

Once the interview is over, the interviewer will normally invite us to ask questions about a job issue, but we should never ask about wages or holidays, as it will give us a negative image. What we should ask is about the process of selection of personnel in which we are immersed when we can have information on whether we have been elected or not, which can be answered either with an approximate date or if they do not contact With us is because we have not passed the selection process.

After the interview:

Keeping track of the selection process will demonstrate your interest in the position. In addition, and if the recruiter gives us some contact email, it is advisable to thank the person who has done the interview for the time that has dedicated us.

In conclusion, do not forget that in a job interview we must show interest and motivation to work, and show that we have the skills and abilities necessary to develop the job successfully, that is, demonstrate our strengths and offer as an opportunity for the company. But being a situation that will produce tension, anxiety, because we are playing the possibility of accessing a job, we must not forget that we can be nervous, but the person who does the interview knows and appreciate Only that information that is relevant to evaluate our candidacy for the job.


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